Sunday, October 17, 2010

Design as a Universal Language

Design is everywhere. From the houses we live in to the clothes we where design controls our society. So how could we not know the language of design? When one views a design, no matter what language you speak, you can interpret a certain message from that design. If for example you are only an English speaker and someone said something to you in Spanish you would not know what they just said let alone be able to respond to what they said. But design is different.
This idea that design is universal applies directly in the world of graphic design. When I see any design even if it’s not from this country I do not just stare at it blankly without knowing what it is about. Take for example this design from china. It has a red background and white letters. Instantly I knew it was the Coca-Cola logo in Chinese. Through logos, like the Coca-Cola logo, graphic designers can communicate with any audience in any language they want. This versatility allows design to be one of the most universal languages we have on this planet. Without even knowing it we speak the language of design.
           This language of design helps us break many communication barriers that we have in our global society. If you were really thirsty and for some reason you were in another country you could easy recognize the Coca-Cola logo and know automatically know what it was. Designers from all over the world can use the language of design in the form of logos to communicate with virtually anyone in the world.

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